Catégories: "IT business"

Brevets logiciels :no:

Bon résumé, sur le StandBlog, de la triste réalité sur les brevets logiciels... :'(

Malheureusement, je suis trop loin de Bruxelles pour aller manifester aujourd'hui! :-/

Rockin' on without Microsoft

Interesting article from C|net about Ernie Ball's life without Microsoft after the BSA came down on them. (via David Watson)

The idea behind open source

Karl Fogel has it pretty much clear in Chapter 1 of his book: "Open Source Development with CVS - 2ND EDITION":

Imagine a science-fiction device that allows any sort of food or physical object to be infinitely duplicated. If somebody then tried to sell you a tire for your car, why in the world would you buy it? You could just throw your friend’s tire into the duplicator! However, you might want to pay somebody to design a new tire for you or perhaps to install the tire on your car. Or to help you when some other part of your car breaks, you might want to buy a warranty for future support. Or maybe just hire a personal mechanic.

Similarly, in a world where all software is in the public domain and infinitely reproducible, programmers and software companies are able to make a good living not by restricting the flow of software, but by providing a service. Users pay the programmers and companies to design and write new public domain software, as well as install, maintain, customize, troubleshoot, and teach others about it. A programmer or company sells labor, not products — much like a mechanic, plumber, or electrician.

IT independant innovation... dead?

Two quotes from PHPeverywhere:

"Perhaps the problem is that the computer industry is maturing, so all the cool corners where you could do your own thing in peace are disappearing slowly..."

-John Lim: "Gamma Radiation from Microsoft turns open source advocates into Sulks"

"[We] are caught between a rock and a cheap place, where your software cannot get enough market share in a world dominated by Microsoft (and other BigCos), and at the same time your niche is being commoditized by free software.

The only way to make money in the IT industry nowadays unless you have colossal market share (which you use to eat up niches such as anti-virus software) or are creative enough to compete in the PC-gaming industry, is by combining your products with services. And make sure your services is the main component, otherwise you risk going out of business when your product is commoditized. The whole industry is moving this way, from minnows like my company to giants like IBM (which is the furthest in this transition, buying up Rational and PWC). Sun is learning it the hard way."

-John Lim: Tim O'Reilly: "The Open Source Paradigm Shift"

And make sure you don't miss Eric Kidd's "The Missing Future". Excellent!

Netscape: the end :`(


It has been learned through public and private sources that AOL has cut or will cut the remaining team working on Mozilla in a mass firing and are dismantling what was left of Netscape (they've even pulled the logos off the buildings). Some will remain working on Mozilla during the transition, and will move to other jobs within AOL.

Je suppose qu'il fallait s'y attendre... après l'annonce des accords de partenariat à la limite de l'indécence entre AOL et Microsoft il y a quelques semaines...

Bien sûr Mozilla continue en tant que projet open source. AOL finance même la toute nouvelle Mozilla Foundation à hauteur de 2 millions de dollars... sans doute pour se donner bonne conscience.

La bonne nouvelle c'est que cette fondation est dirigée par Mitch Kapor (qui rajoute 300 000 dollars de se poche, tout de même...) et avec le soutien de Red Hat ainsi que de Sun Microsystems.

Voilà qui devrait donc assurer l'avenir de Mozilla... en revanche, on peut craindre le pire dans l'esprit du grand public: si le rival historique Netscape n'est plus, on aura vite fait de considérer que ~` IE a définitivement gagné la bataille des browsers webs et qu'il est vain de se préocupper d'une "hypothétique" concurrence... ou encore de "soit-disant" standards... '~ Hum... pas bon du tout ça... :no: :no: :no:

Je commence à me sentir obligé de passer à Firebird par simple solidarité... :-/