Russel Beattie pense que PalmOS est voué à l’échec!
Personnellement je serais beaucoup moins catégorique! Ma réponse:
A PDA is more a sort of an electronic notebook than a pocket computer. (Btw that’s where MS has it all wrong starting with the name “PocketPC” !)
Symbian may be a challenger but I think it’s all going to depend on the usability of the interface. Think mainstream. The Zire is a good thing: most people don’t need more. Okay, maybe an integrated MP3 player… and that’s why PalmSource have BeOS now, ARM architecture and PalmOS 5.
It’s gonna be the MacOS vs Windows again. User interface will be the key. And so far, there’s no real pressure to be compatible with company standards. Besides PalmOS pretty elegantly syncs with Window Apps.
Of course Palm has to adapt quickly to be more suited for smartphones, but that’s another problem. (Though an important one because smartphones are the ones which are going to finance for PDAs…)
Symbian may have it right, but I don’t know enough about the UI to tell more.