Non mais vous avez vu la tronche de la prochaine version de windows? C’est vraiment trop moche! >:(

Hum… entre Mac et Linux mon coeur balance… :»

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Kochise

Moui, j’avais vu ça y’a pas longtemps sur OsNews, certains se plaignaient que ça ressemblait plus à un XP re-thèmé (le comple, XP ’n’étant’ que 2000 avec WindowsBlind inclus)…

M’enfin bref, moi je m’interresse à Zeta, c’est à dire BeOS 6 : -> ->

Ca aussi ça a de la gueule, s’il n’y a que l’apparence qui prime :) Mais comme l’OS derrière arrache grave sa mère, qu’il n’est enfin plus limité à 1 Go de mémoire et aux durs de 137 Go…


2005-05-06 17-55

Comment from: Kochise

I don’t think the main problem is the workability of Longhorn, it’s the buzz surrounding it for so many years. It finaly shows nothing THAT important and revolutionary, as we would have expected from such a large company than Microsoft.

What put me on my nerves is that existing products from the same level, or even further don’t get the same media support and hype, where they are most prone to be spread amongst the world wide community. These products REALLY provide something to the user, not just a funny GUI.

Because in facts, when you’ll pay a new PC, you’ll pay for a ’new’ GUI from Microsoft, that won’t change alot in your current habits, when you can already change many things such the file explorer, the internet browser, the picture viewer, … to improve your productivity !

Switch to Tiger nowadays, you’ll understand what I mean :)


2005-05-11 07-31

Comment from: romano

Heu ben non j’trouve pas .Fo pas exagérer quand meme.

2005-08-30 18-02